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中文 (中國) English

What mechanisms should be improved to implement the river head system?

Release time: 2017年3月3日

During the two sessions this year, some deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the CPPCC put forward many suggestions and Countermeasures on how to promote the long-term implementation of the river head system. The implementation of river head system is the need to improve environmental quality and eliminate hidden dangers of water environment. It is also a major measure to build ecological civilization.
The author believes that in order to implement the responsibilities of water resources protection, water area and coastline management, water pollution prevention and control, and water environment governance, the following mechanisms need to be improved in the process of fully implementing the river head system.
First, the division mechanism of the scope of responsibility. The management and protection of rivers and lakes is a complex systematic project. In the process of dividing and determining the responsibility scope of the river head, we should fully follow the law of the natural ecosystem of rivers and lakes, and avoid multiple policies for one river; We should grasp the integrity of the river and the flow direction of the water body, and avoid multi head management. We should pay attention to the overall attribute of the river and follow the ecosystem and natural laws of the river. Formulate plans for the development and utilization of river basin environmental protection, regulation and lake recuperation, reasonably allocate the water consumption and total pollutant discharge through the regional local governments, and realize the internal unity of development and protection. Section points shall be set reasonably. At present, the determination of the responsibility scope of the river head is based on the section points, and the setting and delimitation of the section points are basically divided by the junction of each administrative region. This division method considers more the jurisdiction of upstream and downstream, left and right banks, and less the change of water flow and other reasons. The author believes that the setting of section points should be based on the overall planning of river system, fully consider the change of water flow and the reality of industrial and agricultural development, and reasonably divide the scope of responsibilities of river leaders.
The second is the refinement mechanism of governance objectives. While strengthening the accountability of river leaders, we should refine the governance objectives, determine the annual objectives of sub basins and sub regions year by year according to the problems existing in different rivers, lakes and river sections, formulate differentiated water pollution prevention and control plans, and establish differentiated evaluation and assessment system. All localities shall investigate various pollution sources such as industry, urban life, agriculture and mobile sources within their jurisdiction, verify the total amount of regional pollutant discharge through pollutant statistical monitoring, and find out the bottom number of clean water pollution. Ecological monitoring shall be carried out on the water quality of various water bodies in the region according to the "ten water articles", and the compliance shall be checked one by one. Carry out safety assessment on the ecological environment of rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and assess the environmental and health risks of industrial enterprises and industrial agglomeration areas along rivers, lakes and reservoirs. We should carry out special rectification of the water environment, severely crack down on environmental violations, deeply investigate the situation of sewage outlets into rivers under our jurisdiction, and comprehensively count and clean up illegal or unreasonable sewage outlets. Unified monitoring and law enforcement should be implemented for water environment management. In the management of river and lake basins, it is necessary to carry out joint monitoring and unified detection methods to ensure the fairness of river leaders' performance assessment. It is necessary to investigate the situation of Hei smelly river, analyze the causes, find out the source of pollution and formulate countermeasures.
Third, the management mechanism of fund use. A lot of money will be invested in water environment treatment projects such as the regulation of heichou River, the construction of sewage treatment facilities and water ecological restoration. Therefore, in the allocation and use of funds, we should establish a strict management system to ensure the safety of funds. It is necessary to establish a special fund account for water environment treatment, establish a fund approval system, establish a fund standardized operation system, and establish a fund use supervision system. The financial department shall publicize the use, assessment and acceptance of special funds on the government website and bulletin board in time for public supervision.
Fourth, the joint mechanism of coordination and communication. River directors' offices at all levels shall establish perfect information exchange, communication and coordination mechanisms. For the superior River leaders, they shall regularly report the river and lake management, water environment control objectives, task progress, etc., implement various control policies for water resources protection of the superior government, and implement various special actions uniformly organized and carried out for water pollution prevention and control; For subordinate River leaders, they shall regularly supervise the implementation of water environment control objectives and tasks and the performance of their duties, do a good job in the seamless connection between administrative regions and river sections, and timely eliminate the "vacuum zone" and "three no matter areas" between river leaders at the same level; The river director's office at the same level shall, according to the water environment pollution situation in its jurisdiction, study and formulate remediation plans, implement the governance tasks, organize and carry out joint law enforcement actions for water pollution prevention and control, and effectively improve the regional environmental quality.
Fifth, the horizontal compensation mechanism of ecological funds. The state proposes to fully implement the river head system, which is to internalize the social costs generated in the utilization of ecological natural resources by administrative means. Through the division of administrative power and assessment and accountability, the externality of water environment treatment costs in the upstream, downstream, left and right banks can be solved. The author believes that while strengthening the responsibility assessment of river managers, it is also necessary to improve the ecological fund compensation mechanism. One is vertical compensation, which provides top-down financial vertical ecological compensation funds for areas that lose many development opportunities and pay opportunity costs in order to protect the ecological environment, so as to ensure the construction of regional environmental infrastructure. The other is horizontal compensation, that is, according to the principles of "Whoever pollutes, who governs", "who benefits, who compensates, and who pollutes, who pays", for areas where the water quality in the upstream is inferior to that in the downstream, a certain proportion of sewage charges shall be included in the ecological construction protection funds through emission right trading or extraction, so as to compensate the downstream areas to improve the water environment quality.
Source: China Environment News